Monotyping in sequence on tracing paper

Sonia Wysard is fascinated for subtleties and has entrusted her recent painting to them. If the black on black or white on white of her works are a bet on the keen perception of what differs between equals, tensioning the limits of vision, on the other hand, the artist takes on almost monumental scales, made possible by movements with giant brushes. In this ambivalence between being almost camouflaged in light, but topologically impassable, her painting has explored the challenges of the tradition of abstraction and its contemporary possibilities. It is in this direction that her monotypes also move, whose monochromatic subtlety combined with the grooves of the movement produces sequences of images in the process of erasing, forming species of unsuspected landscapes – as if they provoked the self-centered character of abstraction in its friction with the worlds that do not crave to suffice for themselves.

Text from the exhibition catalogue We still do things in groups, curated by Ana Miguel, Brígida Baltar and Clarissa Diniz, held in January/2020 at Centro Municipal de Arte Hélio Oiticica CMAHO – Rio de Janeiro – RJ.

DIÁFANO II / DIAPHANOUS II Políptico / Polyptych Monotipias em sequência sobre papel vegetal / Monotypes in sequence on tracing paper 42x121.8cm 42x29.7cm cada/each (2019)